When the Shallows on Fx Again


The Shallows is a 2022 survival thriller moving-picture show released directed by Jaume Collet-Serra (Orphan, Non-Stop, and The Commuter) and starring Blake Lively.

The moving picture centers effectually young pro surfer Nancy Adams (Lively), a full-time pupil at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, who is surfing at a secluded beach when she becomes stranded on a giant rock 200 yards away from shore after an enormous corking white shark attacks her. Now, she has to find a manner to get safely dorsum to shore without getting attacked by the shark again, proving the ultimate contest of wills.

This film contains the following:

  • Activeness Survivor: Nancy starts out equally a med-school dropout who'south out to surf, by the cease of the film she'southward forced to her limits to kill a shark hounding her.
  • Actor Allusion: Nancy gets asked if she'southward from California by ii other surfers. Blake Lively actually is from California, though she plays a Texan.
  • Developed Fear: Every avid surfer probably cringed watching this picture.
  • Animal Companion: For the bulk of the motion-picture show Nancy has an injured seagull for visitor, whom she names Steven Seagull.
  • Apocalyptic Log: Nancy records a video intended to be one of these on one of the dead surfer'due south GoPro camera, apologizing to her father and sister and stating that she intends to fight to the stop before throwing the camera in the ocean to migrate to shore. Fortunately, this is really subverted as she survives the events of the film, due in part to that recording being found by a young boy who runs for aid.
  • Asshole Victim: The drunkard human being who, upon seeing a adult female stranded out from shore calling for help? Decides to Steals her coin and things. When he so gets into the water to retrieve her surfboard and the shark takes intendance of the residuum.
  • Dazzler Is Never Tarnished: Averted as Nancy pretty much gets the shit kicked out of her by both the shark and the elements.
    • Subverted at the end, equally despite her outright proverb that gangrene is setting in to the wound on her leg, it's intact. While complete amputation might not have been necessary, the expressionless mankind would have been excised—she'd have a much worse scar than she does, perhaps even a huge chunk of her leg missing.
  • Chekhov'southward Gun:
    • The repeatedly shown oil from the whale carcass. Nancy uses her last flare to start a burn and attempt to impale the shark.
    • The burn down coral, which seems to injure the shark nearly as much as it does Nancy. Nancy decides to utilise this weakness against the shark when she sees the jellyfish, reasoning that the shark will be reluctant to swim through them.
    • Likewise, the hook embedded in the shark'southward oral cavity that Nancy notices earlier comes into play near the end when information technology snags onto a metal railing while the shark is attacking the buoy. This buys Nancy plenty fourth dimension to set up a trap that kills the shark once and for all.
  • Chekhov's Skill: A pocket-sized subplot is that Nancy dropped out of medical school, thus establishing that she'll be able to physician the shark seize with teeth on her leg somewhat.
  • Companion Cube: A rare living example in the form of Steven the seagull.
  • Creative Endmost Credits: The cease credits are played over imagery of waves turning blood red.
  • Darkest Hour: When Nancy gets trapped on the buoy. Her effort to indicate a transport with a flare gun fails, the shark is circumvoluted her, and she'due south farther away from shore than she was when she was stranded on the rock.
  • Deadly Dodging: How Nancy ultimately kills the shark, past luring information technology to the bottom of the body of water and making it impale itself on some rebar.
  • Death by Materialism: The Intoxicated Man is not satisfied with stealing Nancy'due south phone and cash as she is stranded on the rock, he tries take her abandoned surfboard too. He ends up attacked and killed by the shark.
  • Determinator: Nancy doesn't surrender, no matter how bad things get. note Bitten by a shark, astringent blood loss, dehydration, malnutrition, exposure, sunburn, infection, fever, stung by fire coral and jellyfish...and well-nigh drowned.
  • Earn Your Happy Catastrophe: Nancy had to go through a lot before finally beingness rescued.
  • Family-Unfriendly Violence: Despite the motion picture existence rated PG-13, it features quite a bit of blood, grievous wounds and a man crawling away from the severed lower half of his body...ONSCREEN.
  • Fanservice: Subverted. Nancy spends the majority of the flick in a bikini. Which allows us to see all the wounds she collects throughout the movie in graphic detail. (A lengthy closeup shot of i of Blake Lively'due south thighs is normally great. But when said thigh has lots of claret flowing out of information technology due to a long shark-generated bite... not and then much.) Notwithstanding, the first deed of the picture, when she'due south just hanging out on the beach having fun and surfing, plays information technology directly.
  • Fight to Survive: Nancy finds herself moving from a rock in the middle of the bounding main to a buoy in the middle of the bounding main in order to reach shore, all while the shark endlessly attacks and stalks her.
  • Flare Gun: Nancy uses one to signal a send in the motion picture's final act. When this fails she uses the last flare on the shark, setting it on burn down momentarily.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: Lampshaded when talking to her younger sis. Nancy reminds her that she is supposed to exist the responsible one, while Chloe is meant to be foolish ane. Of course, in a deleted scene, after Chloe sees the shark'southward fin in one of the photos Nancy sent her, she tries to call her sister to warn her, merely is too belatedly.
  • Foregone Conclusion: The deaths of the 2 local surfers, given the footage Carlos'south son finds at the showtime.
  • Foreshadowing: Carlos refusing to take money for giving Nancy a lift shows that he'south a good-hearted guy who will come up running the second he hears of someone in distress.
  • From Dress to Dressing: Nancy is forced to use her wetsuit to encompass her injured leg.
  • Giving Them the Strip: Nancy uses the remaining sleeve of her wetsuit to hang from the bouy she's stuck on in order to call up some flare ammo that is floating in the ocean. Later the shark attacks the beacon, simply since her wetsuit is withal attached to the buoy, Nancy is forced to remove it in order to survive and combat the shark. Also qualifies every bit a Boxing Strip.
  • Gory Discretion Shot: The film focuses in on Nancy'south reaction as the drunk is mauled by the shark. Nosotros tin can hear the human action, but not encounter it. Nonetheless, this is partly averted due to the Family-Unfriendly Violence example above.
  • Green Aesop: In interviews for the film Blake Lively talked most the bulletin which is about our impact on the ocean levels which has forced sharks into the shallows.
  • Gross-Up Shut-Up: Nancy'due south leg bite - and her subsequent self-surgery on it - is shown in extreme close up several times.
  • Half the Man He Used to Exist: The drunken man who tried to steal all of Nancy's valuable stuff is bitten in half by the shark.
  • Promise Spot: Poor Nancy gets several. First a drunk homo on the beach, then the two surfers from the 24-hour interval earlier — all of whom are killed by the shark. She sees a ship passing nearby and fires a flare, which turns out to be a dud, and the send moves out of sight.
  • How We Got Here: The film opens with a small-scale boy discovering a GoPro helmet camera floating in the h2o, watching the footage of a shark attack on information technology, and running away to get assist. Near of the remainder of the film leads up to that point - Nancy is on the buoy at the moment the child finds the camera.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Nancy manages to trick the shark into impaling itself on some rebar at the bottom of the sea floor.
  • In Media Res: the film actually begins very late in the story's events equally a immature Mexican male child finds a surfer's helmet with a GoPro camera attached, which caught footage of the surfer being attacked past a shark, followed by a shot of what turns out to be Nancy'south wrecked surfboard. The story then flashes dorsum to a few days earlier as Nancy is brought to the beach past a local guide.
  • Information technology Can Think: Nancy seems to realize the shark is non only a dumb fauna when she takes refugee on the whale's corpse. The shark drags her farther out and begins ramming the body to knock her into the water. It also uses more than strategy against Nancy as the movie goes on.
  • "Jaws" Beginning-Person Perspective: Used a couple times. Get-go being a subversion, as it was just a dolphin going for a leap over Nancy.
  • Spring Scare: The picture contains a bunch, naturally. One of the most jarring, however, has to exist when the shark suddenly emerges from the h2o after Nancy retrieves the photographic camera.
  • Karmic Death: Nancy tries to become a drunken man in the embankment to help her by shouting at him and pointing out where her bag is then he can apply her telephone to phone call for aid. Rather than help, he proceeds to steal her things, but equally he gets into the water to steal her surfboard, the shark attacks him and bites him in half.
  • Go on It Foreign: The Latin American dub changes the location from Mexico to Brazil, thus maintaining the language barrier.
  • Kill It with Burn: Nancy tries to practice this to the shark. It simply pisses it off more than.
  • Kiss of Life: Subverted. Carlos drags Nancy out of the surf, but doesn't requite her CPR, for some reason. Fortunately, Nancy manages to recover all by herself.
  • Male person Gaze: Early in the movie, at that place are a few angles of Nancy's ass and boobs as she'southward on the beach and surfing.
  • Missing Mom: Nancy's died of cancer prior to the moving-picture show starting.
  • Negated Moment of Crawly: Pissed off at the shark, Nancy fires her last flare at it, and the surrounding oil from the whale'southward carcass nearby sets information technology on fire. Cue the burning shark leaping into the air... and immediately landing back to the water, which extinguishes information technology. Cue an Oh, Crap! from Nancy.
  • Never Trust a Trailer: Overlaps with Trailers Always Spoil. The trailer shows us the first clear view of the shark we're given (over halfway through the moving-picture show), as if it's the first attack, giving the impression that the pic will feature a heavy dose of CGI-shark attacking Blake Lively, rather than the Goose egg Is Scarier film it really gives us.
  • No Name Given: The beach is not explicitly named in the picture show. Whenever Nancy asks about it, the question is shrugged off.
  • Nix Is Scarier:
    • We don't go to see the shark mauling the drunk, but we get to hear the splashes and screams as the camera focuses on Nancy's horrified reaction. We do, notwithstanding, run across the gruesome aftermath.
    • Throughout a lot of the film, the shark is only seen in brief glimpses. It isn't until Nancy manages to recollect the helmet photographic camera that information technology's properly seen.
  • Oh, Crap!: Nancy has one when her endeavour at burning the shark to decease only makes the shark angrier and attack the buoy more ferociously.
  • Physical Scars, Psychological Scars: Nancy volition comport the scars—and the memories—for the residue of her life. However, the last scene of the film is her going back into the ocean in Texas, teaching her footling sister to surf. Nancy's dad says that her mother would exist very proud, implied to be for not letting the shark assault turn into fear of ever going back in the sea.
  • Pop-Up Texting: Whenever Nancy is using her phone to wait at old pictures and read letters, it's shown as a separate pop-upwards that takes half the screen. Her lookout man is also shown this manner.
  • Posthumous Character: Nancy's mother has been dead for some time, but her visit to the beach before and relationship with her daughters has a major impact on the plot.
  • Precision F-Strike: Nancy utters one correct before she sets the whale oil on fire.

    "Fuck you!"

  • Rasputinian Death: The shark. Offset, information technology's shot in the face past a flare, then assault burn later Nancy ignites whale blubber/oil with a flare, and then finally impales itself on rebar at the lesser of the ocean.
  • Red Herring: The friend who was supposed to meet Nancy at the embankment, but blew her off to have dinner with a one dark stand up. She never comes into the plot again after that.
    • However, it does prevent what would otherwise exist a plot hole, as the friend's "Don't wait upwardly for me" text establishes that no ane will observe and send help when Nancy doesn't come back from the embankment that night.
  • Dominion of 3: The outset two flares from the buoy'southward flare gun fizzle out virtually immediately when Nancy tries to point a ship in the altitude. She uses the third to lite the whale oil in the water on fire, temporarily setting the shark on burn besides.
  • See Water: Nancy is somehow able to encounter a series of metal spikes most the beacon's anchor, 20 feet down, which she uses to kill the shark.
  • Cocky Stitching: Nancy uses jewellery to stitch her leg wound upwardly. To say this is painful is a gross understatement.
  • Shark Fin of Doom: The shark usually announces itself with its fin ascension above the surface. A deleted scene has Nancy'southward sister seeing the shark fin in the backgroundd of one of the pictures her sis took of the beach and trying to call and warn her, simply to be second as well late, as nancy has already entered the h2o and left her telephone backside.
  • Shoo Out the Clowns: Earlier Nancy tries to swim to the beacon, she sets Steven Seagull, which had provided some levity throughout the picture show, on a piece of broken surfboard and sends him aground. He doesn't reappear until after Nancy kills the shark.
  • Shout-Out:
    • A swimmer, a shark, and a buoy; it goes without saying.
    • Nancy jokingly names the seagull that's stuck with her on the rock every bit Steven Seagull.
  • Super-Persistent Predator: The shark seems to accept information technology out for Nancy, and anyone else that attempts to arrive the water nearby. It keeps at her for a form of more than a full day, even later eating two other people and presumably a whole lot of whale meat. Information technology'south implied that the shark isn't so much trying to eat Nancy because information technology'south hungry, only because she intruded on its feeding ground. As well, the shark has a bad history with humans, as indicated past the fish hook stuck in its mouth.
  • Those Two Guys: The ii local surfers always announced together and seem to take a nice bail.
  • Thinking Out Loud: Nancy does this a lot, in different ways. While treating her wound, she roleplays a doctor explaining the treatment to a patient as she performs it, in an endeavor to calm herself. Several times she "speaks to" the shark while strategizing about it. A few times, she speaks to no one in particular.
  • Threatening Shark: A gigantic great white that really, actually wants to eat Nancy. Judging by the wound on the shark'due south face and the hook in its mouth, it's very clear this shark has gone after humans more than once.
  • Took a Level in Badass: In the film's final human activity, Nancy decides to finish attempting to get to shore and instead fight the shark.
  • Trailers E'er Spoil: Several deaths throughout the film were spoiled by the trailers.
  • Tropical Island Adventure: Nancy initially arrives at the island with this intention, before it turns into a fight for survival.
  • Unlikely Hero: The boy who constitute the GoPro camera-helmet washed upward on the beach. It turns out that Carlos (the guy who drove Nancy to the beach at the beginning of the movie) is actually his dad, and he really does alive nearby. Carlos drags Nancy'south unconscious body out of the surf and presumably gets her to a hospital.
  • Upper-Class Twit: Nancy, a blonde American medical pupil, wants to lose herself and go surfing off the grid in a remote location in Mexico, completely lonely; non a safe or practical thought at all. Predictably, information technology doesn't get well.
  • You Take GOT to Be Kidding Me!: As if the shark wasn't bad enough, Nancy faces a swarm of jellyfish between her and the buoy...until she sees a manner to turn the situation to her advantage.


Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Film/TheShallows

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